The Sunshine Blogger Award


I got a little bit of sunshine on this cold winter’s night when I saw that I was nominated for The Sunshine Blogger Award by sweetnightingale and her Simming with Sweetnightingale. You need to check out her various SimLit stories and projects. And thank you again for the nomination!!

What is the Sunshine Blogger Award?

It’s an award for bloggers from other bloggers, a beautiful way to share all the amazing things other bloggers do and write about. It is a way to recognize their efforts in inspiring others to do what they love.


1. Thank the person who nominated you and add a link to their blog.
2. Answer the 11 questions sent by the person who nominated you.
3. Nominate 11 bloggers and add their links.
4. Notify the bloggers you included.
5. Keep the rules in your post.

Sweetnightingale’s Questions:

  1. How did you first hear about and begin playing The Sims?
    • I first heard about The Sims when I was over at a friend’s house. She let me create a sim and play the game. From that moment I was hooked.
  2. Game of choice: the original Sims, Sims 2, Sims 3, Sims 4, etc.
    • I am old school, so I would have to say the original is where it all started for me. But it is amazing to see how far the game has come. From CAS to having generations and playable neighborhoods. Not to mention the graphics and the detail. Can you imagine how The Sims 5 will look?!
  3. Do you currently have a favorite Sim? If so, who is it and why?
    • Stella Charming has to be my current favorite, but since I am in a nostalgic mood, I like to think back to one of the first sims that I created for TS3; Julianna Moore. She started a legacy that I took to 15 generations before my computer crashed and I lost everything. I still think about recreating her and starting over, but there will only be one Julianna Moore.
    • screenshot-107
  4. Warm or cold weather?
    • Warm weather for sure!! I seriously hate the cold. Then again, I grew up Southern California so to me anything under 60 degrees Fahrenheit is cold.
  5. Cats or dogs?
    • I have 3 dogs and 2 cats, so if majority rules, then I would go with dogs.
  6. Coffee or tea?
    • Tea
  7. What do you like to do when not writing and/or playing Sims?
    • I love photography, reading, and watching classic movies.
  8. What does The Sims mean to you?
    • 1.I have had to deal with a lot of heavy stuff recently. I won’t bore you with all of the details, but writing has been a way to deal with it all. The Sims is how I am able to put thoughts into pictures.
  9. In the world of The Sims, do you prefer reading SimsLit, watching an LP, or watching Sims Machinima? Or do you like a combination?
    • I have to admit that I am a total NOOB here because I have no idea what an LP or Sims Machinima are.
  10. What is your favorite fictional genre?
    • I can’t pick a favorite genre. I love them all. But I also love reading biographies. Sometimes reality is better than fiction.
  11. Do you listen to music while you write?
    • I don’t listen to music while I write (I am one of those people who can’t listen to music while trying to concentrate), but I do like listening to music for inspiration against that evil bug called Writer’s Block.


My Nominees:

I know that this award has been out for a while now, and I am not sure who has or who hasn’t received this yet. And please don’t feel obligated to reciprocate anything. I just figured who wouldn’t want a little bit of sunshine in their lives?

Neverdoitagain by loladiamond01

Noble Doubt by RosemaryMarie

Sul Sul Simlit by sulsulsimlit

Twinsimskeletons by twinsimskeletons

Vsims3 by elikosmijanje

The Windsor Legacy by  thewindsorlegacy


My Questions:

1.What or who inspired you to start writing SimLit?

2.Favorite Season?

3.What is your favorite Sims Expansion Pack, it can be from any of the Sims Games?

4.What are you wearing right now?

5.Least favorite word?

6.What is one place that you have never been, but would love to go?

7.What is one aspect of The Sims that you would want to incorporate in to real life?

8.If they made a movie of your life, what actor would play you?

9.Favorite movie/TV Show/book?

10.If you had to describe yourself using only one word, what would that word be?

11.If a tree falls in the woods, and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?


13 thoughts on “The Sunshine Blogger Award

  1. Congratulations! And thanks for the nomination 🙂 I have already received this award but I will answer your questions, they seem interesting, I’ll have to think about them 😀 wow 3 dogs and 2 cats :O and I am sorry you have some heavy stuff in your personal life 😦 hopefully things will get better soon 🙂 and wow 15 generations of one family, wow 😀 now I am off to google Sims Machinima 😛

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I’ve already gotten this award, but it will be interesting to edit my post with the replies to your interesting questions. I feel sorry for your life being hard at the moment, I am the contrary when it comes to music and writing 😛

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Congrats!

    Woo, I love tea! I’ve started reviewing tea every Tuesday on my blog because I [s]have a problem[/b] love tea so much.

    You are lucky you don’t live in my area! Our summers are wicked hot, but the winters… ugh! This year we are having the most brutal winter we’ve had in thirty years, it’s been miserable! Truly awful blizzards and freezing weather! I hope we never get another winter this bad again…

    I love vacationing in southern California… seems I usually end up visiting there around February, though I’ve gone a few other times of the year too. My favorite place I’ve visited down there so far has been San Diego, a librarian like me had such a blast going to all those museums in Balboa Park, and there were some really quaint boardwalk and beachside shopping areas I really enjoyed there too. My best friend (who lives in the Bay Area in San Jose) had a lot of fun there when we went in 2015.


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