Chapter 4.1 I’m Just Me

I guess I should start this journal off by saying hello and introducing myself.  It is the polite thing to do after all. 

Hi there.  How do you do?  My full name is Harmony Paige Charming.  I am 7 and a half years old, and I live in Moonlight Falls.  I like classical music, my favorite food is PB&J sandwiches, and my favorite color is red. 

So…what else is there to say?

I dunno what I should write here. Momma said that I should write as much as possible, but what if nothing is possible?? She said I should write my feelings, but right now I am mad because I don’t know what they are.


What do I feel?  I just had my after school snack, so I’m not hungry or thirsty.  I’m not cold, and I’m not hot.  What other feelings are there?  Love, maybe. 

Oh, I know.  I can write about the people that I love.

Of course I love my parents.  Momma works during the day, so Daddy is home to greet me when I get back from school.  He helps me with my homework when I need it, and we also play games, go outside and explore the forest, or play with my all of the stuffed animals in my room.  He also reads me a bedtime story every night, and he also tells me stories about my grandparents, and great-grandparents. 

I also love my Momma.  We are both super powerful magical witches.  We always spend every full moon together, when our powers are the strongest.  And she has even let me ride my very own broom in the practice arena.  And also too she owns the library!  That is pretty cool.  I feel proud that my Momma loves her job.  And she always has a new story for my teddy bear to talk to me for Story Time. 

I have two very best friends that I love too.  Although it is a different kind of love. 

I think. 

I dunno. 

Feelings are very confusing. 

But anyway, one of my very best friends is Briar.  Her parents are best friends with my parents, so of course it makes sense that we are best friends.  Briar also has a very funny sense of humor.  She can make me laugh like no one else can.  She is the only child in her family, like me.  Briar is a year younger than me and Luther, so she isn’t in the same grade as us.  But we still play together at recess. 

My other very best friend in the whole wide world is Luther.  He is one of the sons of the Alpha in Daddy’s wolf pack.  Even though Daddy isn’t a werewolf he is still part of Ryker’s pack.  It is a really long story, and maybe I’ll write it down later.  I dunno if I even understand it fully.  But for now, I will stick with talking about my friends and family. 

Everyone likes Luther.  He’s not the most most popular boy in school, but I can say for sure that he is the most liked.  Luther has a big family.  He has 5 brothers and sisters.  That’s a lot.  He has two older brothers, Riley and Owen, and an older sister, Everly.  Then there is Luther.  We are the same age (but his birthday is 2 months before mine).  And finally there are Zale and Zahra.  They are twins like Riley and Owen. And like Daddy. He is a twin with my Auntie Autumn.

I can talk about them next!

I also have a whole family that I love, but they don’t live in Moonlight Falls like I do.  We have to take a train to visit them.  It isn’t a very long train ride, but Momma and Daddy let me sit next to the window so I can see everything that goes by.

I love spending time with my whole family.

I have grandparents that are Daddy’s Momma and Daddy.  Gramma Stella and Grampa B are the bestest.  Every time I visit them, we all go on walks by the beach and to the park.  It is fun exploring a place that is different than where I live.  And it is fun because every time I am with them, we have a fun adventure.

Daddy also has two sisters.  Auntie Autumn is super duper smart. Like the smartest person in the whole wide world. Momma and Daddy told me that she invented some important thing that helped the world environment. I don’t really understand how it all works. But what I do know is that whenever I get to visit, Auntie Autumn plays crafts with me, and always has the neatest art projects for us to do.

Daddy also has another sister Auntie Lillow. Actually, her name is Willow, but I call her Lillow.

And this last summer that just happened Auntie Lillow got married to my now Uncle DeShawn. And I got to be in the wedding. I had a pretty dress that matched Auntie Autumn’s dress.  My hair style matched Auntie Autumn too.  They even let me wear a little bit of makeup.  Plus, the best part was, I got to walk down the runway dropping flowers as I walked.

So, I think that is enough for now. Wow, I wrote more than I thought I would. It has been like a bajillion pages.

I still don’t know how this will help me with my magic, but whatever.

Okay, bye for now.

4 thoughts on “Chapter 4.1 I’m Just Me

  1. I love her name! And the logical way she went about figuring out what to write down when she was stumped. I feel what she included is exactly what a child of 7 would think about. I loved the line where she is mad because she didn’t know what to write down.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m glad that you like her name. I wanted to find something that represents Lincoln’s love of music.
      I tried every hard to get into the mind of a child (it’s been a long while since I was that age). I wanted to show someone who is confused about the world around her and her inability to express that.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Harmony is adorable! I love that you’re getting into the mind of a child and beginning her story when she’s still very young. We definitely get to see a lot of earlier experiences through her eyes that way, that we wouldn’t have seen had you described all her youth still in Lincoln’s gen!
    It’s cool that Linc is a stay-at-home dad. I think he would never have accepted that role if he was still the same person that he was in the beginning of his gen! He would’ve probably find that degrading and thought he’s too awesome for that, lol. I wonder if he plays on the guitar for his daughter.
    It’s great that they still keep in touch with the extended family even if they live in different cities! And that the nickname Lillow stuck.
    I think you’ve succeeded in writing this in a believeable way from a child’s POV.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. If you would have told teenager Lincoln that he would be a stay-at-home dad, he would have laughed in your face. It’s not something that he would have imagined for himself, but it is the role he was destined to play.
      But family has always been important for him. So, it just comes naturally. ❤ ❤

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