Generation 3 Mood Boards

Side Note: I also found these. I remember that I had been working on creating mood boards as I was wrapping up Lincoln’s story. I just have to put the finishing touches on the Epilogue before Generation 3 is officially wrapped up. But I couldn’t wait to post these mood boards now. 🙂

Mood Board Bert




OUaL Special: What’s in a Name

Side Note: I came across this while I was going through various legacy related files. I’ve been trying to sort of reacquaint myself with the characters. Anyway, I hope you like it.

Since the very beginning of this legacy, when it was just a Cinderella Challenge, I have been obsessed with naming my sims. Each character’s name has been thought out well in advance. Some of those names came from Disney. Some were chosen for their meaning, while others were named for real life people.  For Lincoln’s story I took it up a notch.

Every character in Moonlight Falls has a special meaning behind their name. If you are interested, here they are listed in the no particular order. And to make things easier I bolded each of the names so if you don’t want to read everything you can just skip ahead to the character that you were wondering about.

Mira means beauty. First and foremost I needed my beauty to Lincoln’s beast. And I wanted a name that meant beauty that wasn’t Belle or Bella. 

Bertwalden means wise counselor, which is exactly the role that I wanted Bert to play in Linc’s life. He was the guide to Moonlight Falls, but also a confidant quick to offer guidance (even if Linc hardly ever took Bert’s advice). 

Euclid means crafty and wise. I couldn’t find a name that meant “inventor” so this was the closest I could come up with.

I like to show, through their chosen name, a character’s personality or whom they are in relation to this fairy tale. Hence, the villains in the story have villainous names.

Alcander means conquer. Believe it or not, there is no name that I could find that means villain, or Neanderthal douchebag. But I think that “conquer” sums up Alcander’s motivations.

Grendel is the name of the monster in Beowulf.

Osiris is the Egyptian god of the underworld (since vampires are immortal/undead). And Reina means queen, which was given to her based upon her motivation for ultimate power.

On the other hand, the werewolves are the good guys, so each of their names mean strength or warrior. That includes Ryker, Astrid, Riley, Owen, and baby Everley.

Camilla was an Amazonian warrior in Roman mythology. 

Thera means harvester.  I picked this one for Thera, since she is the one that plants the seeds of change in Moonlight Falls.

The fairies have a strong connection with nature; it is where they get the power for their magic fairy dust.  So, Flint is named after a mineral quartz. 

Finally, we have Renatta, which means reborn.  This suits her perfectly since she is a Frankenstein’s Monster type that was brought back from the dead. 

So to answer the question what’s in a name: a lot of time spent planning and researching. 

I hope you found this interesting, and please feel free to share any questions, comments or concerns that you may have. And as always have a great day, or night depending on when you are reading this.