OUaL Special: Elsewhere in Moonlight Falls


I am enjoying writing for Lincoln using the first person narrative (it really fits his narcissistic personality; don’t you think?). But because we only get to see Lincoln’s point of view we miss a lot of other details that go on in Moonlight Falls. Plus he is so consumed in his own life that he misses important cues that are imperative to the narrative.

I came up with a solution to this problem by including this special chapter to show what else is going on in Moonlight Falls. I will touch on different chapters in chronological order and fill you in on points that Lincoln glossed over, or a different character’s point of view.

On top of that, this post is extra special because it is my 100th post.  I will try not to get overly sentimental or emotional.  I just want to say that I would not have gotten this far if it had not been for all of the constant support from you amazing readers.  Thank you! 🙂

But wait, there’s more!  Today is my Birthday!  Image result for happy birthday


The Unofficial Welcome Committee

Lincoln’s first interaction with his neighbors was not a pleasant one. Mira, Renatta, & Flint show up at his door announcing that they are the Moonlight Falls Welcome Committee. Any simmer knows that as soon as you start a new game, random townies show up at your door. So why did Mira take in upon herself to start a welcome committee?

As an Immundus Mira knows first hand what it is like to be ostracized in the town that you love. Since Grendel’s rise to power she has seen more than her fair share of families being broken up, and too many lives that were lost. She knows what has happened to other Immundus families, and the horrible things that happened to the family that lived in that house before Lincoln (more on that later).

Mira, along with her two very best friends, has made it her personal mission to ensure that every new household that moves into Moonlight Falls has a warm, overly cheery, welcome. To overcompensate for the horrible things that are also going on in the town.




A Sim Once Known as Bertwalten

In the beginning of chapter 3.11 Lincoln told Bert about his past, and why he came to Moonlight Falls. But when he asked Bert about the family that lived in the house before him Bert quickly changes the subject. Lincoln has never been good at asking other people questions to get to know them better. That is usually because he only cares about the part of their lives that revolve around him. Since the family before Lincoln is gone, Lincoln didn’t bother asking Bert any other follow-up questions.

I wrote a whole background story on Bert detailing his past, how he gets trapped in the mirror, and who the family was before Lincoln showed up. However, real life commitments haven’t given me the time to properly share this side story. Basically, here are the bullet points on Bert:

  • He was the only son of a poor, but happy, sheep farmer. Bert never had any desire to become a farmer, he dreamed of riches. Because with those riches he could marry the woman of his dreams.
  • This woman is the most beautiful sim in all of the free world. She also happens to be a nobleman’s daughter. And as you can imagine the price of her hand in marriage is steep. But Bertwalten didn’t let that stop him.
  • Bert is a very perceptive sim, which comes in handy when you are trying to hustle people at the poker table. Overall Bert is successful, but the money is never enough for him. He always wants more. Soon his greedy obsession becomes less about marrying the love of his life and all about winning as much money as he can.
  • Bert travels from town to town trying to win as much money as possible. It isn’t until he comes to Moonlight Falls that he hustles the wrong person. The gypsy in the story didn’t appreciate being taken advantage of (even though she too was cheating). She threatens Bert with cursing his family’s farm, but Bert pleads with her to reconsider. As a tradeoff, Bert becomes locked inside the mirror.
  • Time passes, things happen, and Bert ends up in the house with a very happy and loving family. They have one son, and the family reminds Bert of his own. For the first time in a long time Bert is happy again.
  • But this family is Immundus. The mother is a fairy, the father is a human, and the son is too young to know. It isn’t long before Alcander and his goons come to the home to chase the family out of Moonlight Falls. The family tried to put up a fight but in the end they are all killed. And all Bert can do is watch helplessly.




Camilla’s Favor

Lincoln finally agrees to meet Mira’s friends. They visit Cauldrons and Cappuccinos Café where he meets Camilla. She reluctantly agrees to introduce Linc to Ryker on the basis that she owes Mira a favor. Did you wonder what that favor was? Well, here are the details:

Werewolves have a 6th sense known as imprinting. It is something that, when it happens, the werewolf has no real way of controlling it. Which can make for some very awkward relationships. One such awkward relationship happened when Camilla imprinted on Ryker. Imprinting on your Alpha can be bad enough, but what made it worse is that Ryker is married with children (2 boys and a girl on the way). As much as she tried to fight it, Camilla couldn’t shake her feelings. So, she turned to magic.

The Crumplebottoms are legendary wizards and witches, and Mira’s kindness is well known in town. Camilla pleaded with Mira to help her to try to remove the imprint. Mira agreed to help, but as you know, magic always comes with a price. The spell meant that Camilla might never imprint again, and would most likely never find a mate. Without hesitation Camilla agreed that the risk was worth it.

The spell worked, Camilla no longer felt the imprint, and could once again be the Beta Alpha. Although the imprint is removed, Camilla still knows what it was like to long for Ryker, and those feelings might never go away. Also, Ryker doesn’t know any of this, although he did have his suspicions.




Linc’s First Full Moon

Lincoln’s first full moon with the pack was eventful, to say the least. Not many people mess with Osiris & Reina and live to tell about it. What you didn’t see was what happened after Ryker stood up to the two vampires.

As promised, Grendel heard all about the interaction. Despite what Lincoln thinks of them, Ryker and his pack are on the Supreme Commander’s radar (which for them is not a good thing). Ryker’s father, Alpha of the pack before him, lead the revolt against the Saavedra-Petrov alliance. He was killed in the unsuccessful assault, and Ryker has been on Grendel’s shit list ever since.

Osiris & Reina demand that Grendel take care of “the problem” once and for all, but Grendel is hesitant (he doesn’t want to start another war with the werewolves). Of course this does not sit well with the vampires. Outraged they threaten Grendel. For he might be in charge because of his title, but everyone knows who ​really has all of the power. To calm the situation, Alcander offers to go to Linc’s home and shake things up a bit. And we all know what happens when he gets there.




Things as They Currently Stand

The situation right now can be best described as an active volcano. At any moment, at the slightest disturbance, the entire thing will blow up.

The vampires are angry with Grendel for not doing anything about Ryker and his pack. To them Grendel is seen as a coward, and this leads Osiris & Reina to reconsider their current alliance.

Grendel doesn’t appreciate being taken as a weakling. He is currently stuck between a rock and a hard place. First, you have the vampires. Grendel knows that he needs the vampires if he wants to stay in power. On the other hand, if he goes to war with the werewolves there is a good chance that he will lose. Ryker is a stronger Alpha than his father was, and the werewolves could easily get the fairies on their side. Either way, there would be no possible outcome that has Grendel keeping his power.

Alcander is hungry for power, and sees his father’s weakness as an opportunity to try to take power by getting the vampires on his side. And if he were to marry Mira then he would have not only the backing of the powerful vampires, but marrying a Crumplebottom would garner the support of any remaining witch families that were not on Grendel’s side. Having Mira as his wife, would give Alcander everything. Too bad for him she doesn’t see it that way.

Ryker will always choose to defend any member of his pack, and any werewolf for that matter, against Alcander. But he is in no hurry to start another war. Losing his life fighting is one thing, but he will not be responsible for anyone losing theirs.

Each side is waiting for the other to make the first move; draw first blood. And each side is prepared to unleash hell when they do.




So, now you are all caught up with everything else that has been going on in Moonlight Falls. If there is anything that you are unclear about or what to know more about; feel free to let me know. I am always open to constructive criticism (I am a big girl, and you won’t hurt my feelings).

And as always, have a great day or night depending on when you are reading this.


13 thoughts on “OUaL Special: Elsewhere in Moonlight Falls

  1. Wow….I knew there were some ‘things’ going on….but man oh man….are there ‘things’ going on! Bert could possibly give Lincoln some insight to what’s what ‘if’ he cared to listen…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Bert is trying his best, but you are right. Lincoln can’t be bothered to listen. Linc won’t pull his head out of the clouds long enough to see what is going on around him.
      That is why I wanted to create this special.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, you are right. They better run for cover, because the shit is already starting.
      And I don’t want anyone to miss anything. So, I made this little special go give the readers more insight into everything.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. This was really interesting to read! 🙂 Moonlight Falls isn’t the nicest town, it seems, especially not if you’re unfortunate enough to be immundus. But all this is certainly intriguing.
    A happy belated birthday to you, friend. I hope you had a good time. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I had a great birthday, thank you for asking. 🙂
      Moonlight Falls has so many interesting characters and there are so many things that are going on. Events that Lincoln is too self centered to see.
      That is why I posted this special. I am glad that everyone seems to be liking it.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Lincoln is so self absorbed that I was worried that the readers were missing important cues that will come up later.
      I really think that this chapter helped with that.
      Thank you again for the like ans the nice comment. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I love how much thought you have put into this story – and I love world building facts! I especially liked learning more about Bert. Wow, he’s been through a lot! I wonder if he’ll ever manage to get out of that mirror…
    It seems like the $&#t is about to hit the fan very soon and I’m very excited to see it all unfold! 🙂
    Congrats for the 100th post! Oh, and happy belated birthday!! ❤ ❤ I hope you had a grand time! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I did have a very good birthday. Thank you so much for asking . You are too sweet.
      I have built this huge world, but since Lincoln is so caught up in himself, that I was worried that the readers were missing out. I think that this chapter has helped with that.
      Thank you. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  4. I’m so sorry I missed your birthday. I hope you had a good one. ❤ ❤

    The details you've put into your story are amazing. I really love it and can tell you do, too. 🙂


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